Episode 10
Our Feature: The Summer 2012 Box Office Challenge
Hosts: Tom Blain (tomblain@jackasscritics.com or JackassTom) and Matt Fuerst (fuerstma@jackasscritics.com or JackassMatt)

Segment A Length:
Download Segment A: 10.8 MB
Segment B Length: 73:46
Download Segment B: 17.7 MB

Episode 10 features our 2nd Annual Summer Box Office Challenge. In the Summer Box Office Challenge, Tom and Matt participate in a draft, each selecting 5 films we hope will make the most money during Summer 2012.

Your current Jackass Summer Box Office Challenge champion is JackassTom, who won last year by a pretty decent margin.

We're hoping for some participation from our Jackass fans this year! Tell us what 5 films you think will pull in the best returns this Summer Box Office season (we're using roughly June 1 - September 1 release dates for our picks). The fan(s) with the highest gross will get a shout out on a future podcast. Beat the Jackasses! It's easy to do!

During this weeks Bullets in the Chamber, we talk:
  • JackassTom shares his excitement over the upcoming Great Gatsby film from Baz Luhrmann. We discuss the past attempts to capture F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel (and Tom's disappointment with Redford's swing and miss), whether Luhrmann can deliver a musical that catches the sadness of Gatsby and we laugh at Matt's limited understanding of Shakespear.
  • Both of our Jackasses can be called Quentin Tarantino fanbois, so we both talk about our excitement over the upcoming Tarantino film, Django Unchained. JackassMatt has seen a few of the Django films (which is a series of about 40 loosely connected films, almost all unofficially featuring the Django character) and shares his experiences with JackassTom.

Post Bullets, it's time for our Movie Knowledge-Off. During the Movie Knowledge-Off, each Jackass picks a category, and then prepares 3 multiple choice questions to ask their fellow Jackass.
As a small sneak preview, Tom selected the "SNL in Film: If a MacGruber plays at the theatre and no one sees it did it really happen?" category, and Matt selected the "Walt Disney: I'm not a racist; some of my best friends are mice." category.
Matt went 3 for 3 in the 2011 Knowledge-Off, but can he possibly repeat? And thanks to a certain bit of Pooh, Matt ended up losing the actual Box Office Challenge anyway. Will the pattern repeat? Listen and find out!

And finally, it's down to the meat and potatoes. With the draft order selected, each Jackass takes a stab and picks 5 films that they feel will make the most money in the Summer of 2012.
In true draft fashion, once a Jackass picks a film, it's off the board and the other Jackass cannot pick it. We each end up with 5 unique movies, the total box office we will add up and see who wins when the dust settles.

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