Our Feature: The Summer 2012 Box Office Challenge |
Hosts: Tom Blain (tomblain@jackasscritics.com or JackassTom) and Matt Fuerst (fuerstma@jackasscritics.com or JackassMatt) |
Segment A Length: 45:03 |
Download Segment A: 10.8 MB |
Segment B Length: 73:46 |
Download Segment B: 17.7 MB |
Episode 10 features our 2nd Annual Summer Box Office Challenge. In the Summer Box Office Challenge, Tom and Matt participate in a draft, each selecting 5 films we hope will make the most money during Summer 2012. Your current Jackass Summer Box Office Challenge champion is JackassTom, who won last year by a pretty decent margin. We're hoping for some participation from our Jackass fans this year! Tell us what 5 films you think will pull in the best returns this Summer Box Office season (we're using roughly June 1 - September 1 release dates for our picks). The fan(s) with the highest gross will get a shout out on a future podcast. Beat the Jackasses! It's easy to do! |
During this weeks Bullets in the Chamber, we talk:
Post Bullets, it's time for our Movie Knowledge-Off. During the Movie Knowledge-Off, each Jackass picks a category, and then prepares 3 multiple choice questions to ask their fellow Jackass. As a small sneak preview, Tom selected the "SNL in Film: If a MacGruber plays at the theatre and no one sees it did it really happen?" category, and Matt selected the "Walt Disney: I'm not a racist; some of my best friends are mice." category. Matt went 3 for 3 in the 2011 Knowledge-Off, but can he possibly repeat? And thanks to a certain bit of Pooh, Matt ended up losing the actual Box Office Challenge anyway. Will the pattern repeat? Listen and find out! |
And finally, it's down to the meat and potatoes. With the draft order selected, each Jackass takes a stab and picks 5 films that they feel will make the most money in the Summer of 2012. In true draft fashion, once a Jackass picks a film, it's off the board and the other Jackass cannot pick it. We each end up with 5 unique movies, the total box office we will add up and see who wins when the dust settles. |
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