Feature Film: Pickup on South Street |
Hosts: Tom Blain (tomblain@jackasscritics.com or JackassTom) and Matt Fuerst (fuerstma@jackasscritics.com or JackassMatt) |
During our first section, we do our usual Bullets in the Chamber segment, talking movies and news. For our main segment, we focus in on Samuel Fuller's Pickup on South Street |
During this weeks Bullets in the Chamber, we talk:
Our focus this podcast is the 1953 film from director Samuel Fuller, Pickup on South Street Fuller has grown quite a cult following in the years after his death. Commonly known for his black and white films focusing on the hard life; Brutality towards women was common in his films. Pickup mixes some 50's America red scare underpinnings with a look at the life of a low level city hood. JackassTom finds a lot to like in Fullers work. JackassMatt has a tougher time swallowing some of the bitter medicine Sam is feeding him. |
Segment A Length: 69:40 (A new world record!) |
Download Segment A: MP3 (32 Megs) |
Segment B Length: 71:45 |
Download Segment B: MP3 (33 Megs) |
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