Kim Possible: So the Drama review by Mike Long
According to rumors which I've read on the internet, The Disney Channel only allows their original TV shows to run for 65 episodes -- no matter how popular they become -- supposedly so that they don't become stagnant and outlive the attention span of the average Disney Channel viewer. (While this is only a rumor, a quick glance at confirms that most Disney Channel shows only ran for 65 episodes...weird.) As a send-off for the action-comedy series Kim Possible, The Disney Channel aired a "movie" entitled Kim Possible: So the Drama on April 8, 2005, and the feature is now coming to DVD.
As Kim Possible: So the Drama opens, world-famous teenage hero Kim Possible (voiced by Christy Carlson Romano) and her bumbling sidekick Ron Stoppable (voiced by Will Friedle) (who is always accompanied by his pet naked mole rat Rufus (voiced by Nancy Cartwright)) save a Japanese toymaker from being kidnapped by Shego (voiced by Nicole Sullivan) the assistant to Kim's arch-foe, Dr. Drakken (voiced by John Di Maggio). And while she is relieved that the toymaker is safe, Kim is curious as to what Drakken would want with him. As it turns out, Drakken is cooking up his most diabolical plan yet to take over the world.
Meanwhile, Kim is facing more "normal" problems on the homefront. She needs to find a date to the prom and her only prospect is her life-long platonic friend, Ron. That is, until a new boy at school named Eric (voiced by Ricky Ullman) catches her eye. Yet, these problems seem moot when Drakken kidnaps Kim's father, who has been working on a new cybertronics project. At this same time, Ron is coming to grips with the fact that his favorite restaurant, Bueno Nacho, is under new management and will never be the same again. As more and more odd things begin to happen around Kim, she begins to figure out Drakken's plan and realizes that she will need all of her friends and family to stop him.
The DVD release of Kim Possible: So the Drama is labeled as being the "Extended Edition of the Movie". The movie runs 71 minutes on this DVD and I have no idea how long it was when it originally aired. So, it can be argued that this is simply and extremely long episode of the show. Sure it is, but it's a darn good one. The movie mixes all of the elements that made the popular (?) and so enjoyable. From the outset, the movie is filled with action, as Kim takes on Shego, Drakken, and their cohorts. Actually, I was a bit surprised by the level of violence here, and the final fight between Kim and Shego is relatively brutal for an animated show aimed at kids, so parents be warned. Also, the "villains" unleashed by Drakken may be a bit too scary for little ones.
As usual, there is a great deal of humor here, and the movie wisely allows Ron and Rufus a great deal of screen-time. Don't ask me why, but that naked mole rat always makes me laugh, and the costumes that Rufus sports in Kim Possible: So the Drama are quite funny. The vast majority of Ron's dialogue is hilarious and this movie proves once-and-for-all that he is the heart of the show, not the somewhat bland Kim. Most likely as a signal that this is truly a send-off, the movie incorporates most everyone involved in Kim' life (especially her family) and allows them to contribute to the story. And lastly, the finale wraps up all of the questions that viewers have had over the years concerning the relationship between Kim and Ron. If it is indeed true that Kim Possible has come to an end, then this is sad news. And yet, Kim Possible: So the Drama is a fitting denouement, as it encompasses everything that made the show a stand-out on The Disney Channel. This isn't necessarily a good place for newcomers and the curious (like Matt Fuerst) to start, but it will give you a nice sampling of the action and comedy in the show. Now, if only Disney would release full-season sets...hint...hint.
Kim Possible: So the Drama flies onto DVD courtesy of Disney DVD. The movie has been letterboxed at 1.78:1 and the transfer is enhanced for 16 x 9 TVs. The image looks very good, as it's very sharp and clear, showing no grain nor any defects from the source material. The bright colors look fantastic and they are never over-saturated. There is so obvious edge-enhancement at times, but otherwise the picture rivals digital broadcast quality. The DVD carries a Dolby Digital 5.1 audio track which sounds great. The dialogue is clear and audible, and there is no hissing present. The track makes good use of surround sound, mostly during the action scenes, and there are some nicely placed subwoofer effects, but these are somewhat muted compared to most action films.
The Kim Possible: So the Drama DVD carries a few extras, the best of which is a bonus episode from the series entitled "Gorilla Fist", in which Ron must once again face his fear of monkeys. The show is letterboxed at 1.78:1, enhanced for 16 x 9 TVs, and offers a Dolby 2.0 surround audio track. The DVD has two "Deleted Scenes" from Kim Possible: So the Drama, which total 70 seconds. Finally, we have two music videos from the movie, the first is "Could it Be", performed by star Christy Carlson Romano and then we have "Get Your Shine On" from teen heart-throb Jesse McCartney.
8 out of 10 Jackasses
Kim Possible: So the Drama
IMDB Link: Kim Possible: So the Drama
DVD Relase Date: 2005-05-10
DVD Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
DVD Extras: Deleted Scenes, Music Videos, Bonus Episode
DVD Producer: Disney DVD